Century aged gray adobe is a great accent for your exterior & interior walling for those who want a beauty and uniqueness that will express individuality and combined with the use of granite stones, on the ground for driveways, walkways, patios, pool surrounds, etc Piedra China & Cobble Stone Pavers without dimensional limits Old adobe blocks are available from different locations in the northern part of the Philippines which are aged over million years , reclaimed from quarries centuries ago used during the Spanish era into there buildings. These beautiful adobe blocks have amazing character that you will not find in today's cut. More than 400-years Old Chinese Granite Cobblestones known as “PIEDRA CHINA” constituted the very structure of some streets of the nation's most historic cities like "Vigan” in “Ilocos Sur”. Large quantities of historical granite cobbles were retrieved from the “Ancestral Houses” and “Streets” throughout the “Philippines”. These beautiful cobble stones were used as ship ballast on galleons traveling from China to the Philippines more than 400 years ago. Their color ranges from gray to purple. The cobblestones have random lengths and widths, sized perfect for a rustic driveway or walkway. These beautiful cobble stones are available in inadequate quantities. In addition, we have a comprehensive unusual collection of “Batong Buhay”, “Bronero” “Granite” & “Volcanic Pavers” that lays beautiful walls and floors for your ancestral inspired project as well as any other hard to find pavers stones or rocks